Paul Harris Fellowship Make-A-Difference Award
If you are a visiting Rotarian, make up at our club on Tuesday noon at:
Relics Restaurant, 3235 W. Highway 89A
Drive around the west side of the building and use side entrance.
Drive around the west side of the building and use side entrance.
Or the second or fourth Thursday at 7:30 am in the Village of Oak Creek at:
Redstone Dining, Oak Creek Country Club, 690 Bell Rock Blvd
- See more at: you are a visiting Rotarian, make up at our club on Tuesday noon at:
Relics Restaurant, 3235 W. Highway 89A
Drive around the west side of the building and use side entrance.
Drive around the west side of the building and use side entrance.
Or the second or fourth Thursday at 7:30 am in the Village of Oak Creek at:
Redstone Dining, Oak Creek Country Club, 690 Bell Rock Blvd
- See more at: you are a visiting Rotarian, make up at our club on Tuesday noon at:
Relics Restaurant, 3235 W. Highway 89A
Drive around the west side of the building and use side entrance.
Drive around the west side of the building and use side entrance.
Or the second or fourth Thursday at 7:30 am in the Village of Oak Creek at:
Redstone Dining, Oak Creek Country Club, 690 Bell Rock Blvd
- See more at: you are a visiting Rotarian, make up at our club on Tuesday noon at:
Relics Restaurant, 3235 W. Highway 89A
Drive around the west side of the building and use side entrance.
- See more at: around the west side of the building and use side entrance.
65 Years in Sedona
Club Meetings
We meet at 12 noon the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at the Sedona Public Library Community Room
3250 White Bear Road, Sedona, AZ 86336
Join Us! Light food with vegan options available at no cost to members and guests.
No meetings Thanksgiving week and between Christmas and New Years.
For questions contact:
(612) 750-1745
Check our meeting calendar here
The Rotary Club of Sedona's Mission is to enhance community through service, teamwork and friendship. - See more at:

Rotary Club of Sedona
P. O. Box 2170
Sedona AZ 86339
Sedona AZ 86339
(928) 284-4444
The Paul Harris Fellowship: Make-A-Difference Award is given out annually by the Rotary Club of Sedona. The award recognizes the actions of individuals who have enhanced the quality of life in our community for residents and visitors alike. They exemplify ethics in dealings with others as found in Rotary's Four-Way Test, which serves as the guiding principles for Rotarians worldwide.
- Is it the Truth?
- Is it Fair to All Concerned?
- Will it Build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
- Will it be Beneficial to All Concerned?
We look for nominees that reflect these ideals. Help us in identifying worthy individuals in our community that you believe meet these criterion. The Club accepts nominations of individuals from September to April for the award presented in June. Nominations will be evaluated and voted on by the Rotary Club. Click here for a Nomination Form or contact
The Rotary Club of Sedona has served the Greater Sedona Area since 1960 and is part of a global organization with 40,000+ clubs, and 1.4 million members. It is a non-political, non-sectarian organization that believes in “doing good in our community and the world.” It raises funds for charitable projects in the community and promotes high ethical standards and goodwill in helping others.
Dennis Dearden in
Sedona-Oak Creek Unified School District
Mr Dearden received the award because of his leadership in starting West Sedona School's Wildcat Extended Day Program benefitting students and their working parents.