Basil & Mimi Maher Received Make-a-Difference Award

The Rotary Club of Sedona recently presented local philanthropists Basil and Mimi Maher with the club’s Make-A-Difference Award.
A $1,000 donation was made to the Scorpion Booster Club in recognition of their contributions in supporting local working families through their on going efforts to provide affordable housing.
Need some good news?

Check out this interview with David Byrne on the Rotary.Org podcast about his nonprofit online magazine Reasons to be Cheerful ,"Where all news is good news".

Our guest speaker for Tuesday's meeting was, Brian Bergner, Development and Communications Director for the Verde Valley Sanctuary. He shared the vital work they are doing to provide a safe haven for survivors of abuse and violence. Brian highlighted the importance of their pet-friendly environment, which allows survivors to bring their pets, making the sanctuary a safe place for many more people. It is shame that the VVS is necessary, but we are grateful that it exists to serve those who need a safe refuge while they get back on their feet.

Angela Lopez, the Rotary Membership Officer for the western 1/3 of the US (i.e. our “Zone”) and a wonderful friend made the trip up from the valley to speak to us about membership. Lots of good information….the most important of which was being intentional about membership and her message that we need to keep in mind that every members of the club impacts membership. We all create an environment (good or bad) which will influence 1) the likelihood that a prospective member will join the club and 2) the likelihood of them staying in Rotary. I believe it is so important to develop a milieu of friendship and reinforcement of all the best that Rotary is. Let’s work on this together!